Here at Par Küp - We know all too well accidents can happen. We've got you covered in the unfortunate event this does occur. With a pretty nice collision replacement policy you can purchase knowing that even if you take a spill, you won't be parked up for too long with a 40% discount on replacement of the same item.
All you need to do is email our team some images of damaged kit along with your original receipt & we'll do the rest.
- Please note some conditions do apply..
+ 40% discount code for the same style/piece of kit, for example if your Bib Shorts had been damaged the discount code will be valid for one pair of bib shorts of the same/closest available style
+ Proof of purchase is required, original purchase must have been made on
+ Date of purchase for the piece of kit in question will be noted to ensure that fair wear and tear is accounted for
+ Discount only valid for use on
+ Only valid for the garments original owner
+ Some items may not be eligible for redemption of this policy, e.g. collaborations or art series garments/accessories
+ Usual shipping fees apply to all orders incl. collision replacements
+ Please note, Par Küp does not encourage riding in a way which may result injury or damage to yourself, others and/or objects in return for discounts on PK gear!

+ Let our team know here +